In the most advanced distribution systems, private labels have proven to be the companies’ most effective tool for long-term value creation. Success is achieved when there are coherent company policies in place and a brand portfolio designed to create and defend true “brand equity.” This, in turn, can
only be achieved when a company improves the strength of its reputation among its consumers, building a longstanding, loyal relationship.
What We Offer
Retail-Lab helps companies manage the ‘reputational positioning’ of their private label(s) by applying innovative models that use value indices to measure the end-user’s perception of a label’s distinctive characteristics (perceived quality, sustainability, pricing, innovation etc.). The analyses, made based on a representative consumer sample, provide us with a framework for the strategic positioning of the various types of private labels as well as which strategies to implement to improve a product’s characteristics and the consumers’ perception of them.
- Analyses of the Brand’s Offer and Positioning in the Target Market
- Using and Leveraging Internal Information
- Perceptive Systems Techniques and Analyses
- MDD Index for each Category, Sector and Consumer Profiling
- Analyses of the Product Range and Co-Packing Policies
- Innovative Store Promotion