Accurate sales forecasting is critical to a company’s success: all activities are planned around demand forecasting. The more precise the forecasting, the more efficiently and effectively a company can be managed. Inventory can be reduced, work-schedules improved and customers’ requests more easily satisfied.
The advancements made in computational calculations and in statistical forecasting techniques have provided us with the know-how to find the optimal solution for each company.
What We Offer
Retail-Lab has developed an innovative approach to sales forecasting. Various key points are taken into consideration: the distribution channel, pricing, the brand, promotional pressure intensity, the presence of specific trends and seasonal sales. We can find a solution using multi-level hierarchical models that allow us to obtain reliable forecasts since they incorporate – applying a general methodology- econometric multiple regression techniques, seasonal Arima models and ANOVA methods. Extreme values and outliers are also taken into account and appropriately calibrated.
- Sales Forecasting with Big Data
- Sales Forecasting through Time Series Data Analysis
- Programming Economically Efficient Workloads and Purchases